Mission Statement and New Beginnings


I have many projects – original games, homebrew rules and supplements – that often go unfinished or fall by the wayside.

This blog is intended to be a space for me to share that work. My purpose here is twofold: 1) to motivate me to see projects through to completion, or at least to a level of readability such that it is shareable with the broader Internet; 2) to have something to show for all of the time I spend reading, writing, and working on design. Consider this a portfolio of sorts.

In the future, I hope that some of my dear friends join me on this site – my co-conspirators, if you will: those that spend countless hours hashing out mechanics with me, chatting about story hooks for RPG’s, playtesting my games, and providing valuable feedback.

Yes, the name is intentional! This IS an allusion to Johan Huizinga’s “Magic Circle” theory of play.


I’ve played board games all my life. I started out playing the Settlers of Catan with my family, moved into HeroScape with my friends in middle school, then delved into the realm of tabletop RPG’s in high school. In college, I was a founding member of the Live Action Gaming org on campus. Driving to GenCon has become an annual event for my friends and I.

My tastes are broad. I think that I have an insatiable zest for life; I enjoy most things that I try, and I am always wanting more. The eclectic mix of games that I spend my time on will probably reflect that.

To get a better sense of where I come from as a gamer and designer, here is a list of a few games and resources that I enjoy and/or draw inspiration from:

Live Action Games

Strategy and Euros

Card Games

Social Deduction and Party Games

Roleplaying Games

Other Media and Organizations

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